If you are a VSE and you have improved thanks to our website or the ISO/IEC 29110 standards, do not hesitate to propose your success story so that your experience is exposed worldwide and to demonstrate that VSEs can improve to be successful.

Your success story will be reviewed by our support committee before being published if accepted.

The requirements for this document are:

  1. Written in English or Spanish.
  2. Of a maximum of 5 pages.
  3. Include the author name, contact details and signed by the person in charge of the company.
  4. Come along with prove of success (within the document or separately) e.g. obtaining certificate, reduction data of maintenance costs, mitigation of problems or delays in deliveries, etc.
  5. Include clear and complete references to any documents, books, etc. made within the document.
  6. Written in a professionally manner (that is, not in colloquial language) and conform to our ethical code.

Contact us to provide you with a template that suits your case.

Here are some recommendations to write your success story:

  1. Focus on the benefits that our website and / or the standard has contributed to your organization, comparing the before with the after. Uses the classic construction of: challenge, solution, result and lessons learned.
  2. Write positively.
  3. Embellish the document with diagrams and figures, divide the text into columns to make the document more attractive.
  4. Talk to your customers who may have benefited from your improvements.